Friday, September 23, 2005

Deja'Vu in 2005 !

Every thing has changed!
From October 13th 1982 till Present!

- From B/W to Multicolor + Photoshop touches.

- Mubarak pictures is small (Size & age).

- Price of the Newspaper 20 m (Malleem).

Everything else to the smallest font is the same...

In Al Akhbar 13/10/1982

- Yes to Stability.. Yes to Democracy (sounds familiar?).

- Egyptians (All) announce their support to Hosni Mubarak for President of the Republic.

- 12 Million voters are going to poll satations to elect the new President of the Republic.

- The election of Mubarak is the guarantee for Stability and Safety.

- The operation room in the Ministry of Interior (Changed to the Presedential Committee in 2005) receives today the results of the referendum on electing the President of the Republic.

- Experts of the Central Agency for forgery (couldn't find the right translation) will prepare the final results of the referendum (It was 99.999%).

- We refuse the Soviet Union (reads USA in 2005) intervention in our internal affairs.

Al Ahram 13/10/1982

- Almost the same headlines with little minor differences.

- More than 11 Million (more precise) voters.....

- Mubarak votes in the same Heliopolis school as in 2005!

- A small box about a statement of Mubarak to Time magazine saying that the principles that Sadat laid out smoothened the transfer of power.

- An editorial by Ibrahim Nafi3 (yes the same Ibrahim Nafie of Al Ahram) titled why we are choosing Hosni Mubarak!!!

I find it ridicules that some Egyptians believe that we are starting a new era of Democracy because we have some independent newspapers and we gave the same time to candidates in the Public (reads NDP) TV. Am I pessimistic? No, I believe that change is coming but not with the “new vision” of Gimmy and Co. but from the Egyptians…

Happy "New" Elections 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005

Egypt Vs Japan

Egypt and Japan are poles apart - geographically, historically, culturally and politically. But lately, there has been a common point of reference: Both held elections that, different as their internal dynamics were, point toward changes that could affect both countries internally and, by extension, the regions they live in.

For a half-century, Egypt has been a military dictatorship in civilian garb. The ruling National Democratic Party is a tool of Hosni Mubarak's personal power, backed by a repressive security service. But this year, instead of the usual referendum to endorse his permanent rule, Mubarak, under heavy pressure from the US and internal movements for Change, let others challenge his bid for a fifth six-year term (5 * 6 = 30 years). The result was hardly democracy in action: The regime decided who could compete, how the campaign would be run and, most crucial, how the votes would be counted. Mubarak got 88.5 percent of the vote in an election whose low turnout - 23 percent officaill results - reflected Egyptians' understanding of what was afoot.

Still, there was sharp criticism by rival candidates of Mubarak's failure to raise living standards. One candidate - Ayman Nour - has become a popular national figure, and the neo liberals of the NDP (Gamal and Friends Inc.) felt compelled to resort to U.S.-style campaigning, complete with "I feel your pain" rhetoric. Egyptians got a glimpse of what democratic politics is about, and the regime may find it difficult to return to business as usual, as if nothing new had happened.

In Japan - paradoxically both a democracy and a virtual one-party state for a half-century - the ruling Liberal Democratic Party won as usual, but with a difference. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi cast off Japan's trademark consensus politics and campaigned against the reactionary barons of his own party, who had blocked his effort to privatize the state postal service, the world's largest financial institution that controls $3 trillion in assets used to dispense patronage to a range of interest groups. Voters embraced a reformist agenda that may go further than they realize in attacking a change-resistant system.

Whether Koizumi will be able to implement his plans, even with the strong majority the LDP won in the lower house, is uncertain. He has only a year left before party rules force him to step down, and retrograde forces are sure to resist. But he sees what many Japanese refuse to - that the country faces a demographic crisis, with an aging population and a low birth rate that could severely weaken the economy and make it even more difficult for Japan to manage its growing rivalry with China.

Another difference between the elections in Egypt and Japan is that Mubarak, despite his power, played it safe by making only cosmetic changes. Koizumi, by contrast, took what many saw as a reckless gamble by calling an early vote, attacking a segment of his own party and sticking to a single, controversial message - and won. Neither tactic guarantees future success. But Koizumi's is a lesson in hardball democracy that Egyptians would do well to study for the uncertain times ahead.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

All for Mubarak...Hurray!

Rare Species

Don't worry...

88.5 %

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

أربعة وعشرين سنة صبر عالمفروض والواقع والحتمية
أربعة وعشرين سنة غلب وضنك وإستبداد والبلد مشتكية
لا زراعة ولا صناعة والتعليم مسألة منتهية
ظلم وفساد وواسطة وتفوه وإخص عالمحسوبية
والناس شقيانا عاللقمة وربنا عالم بحالتها الصحية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

الزرع باظ والأرض من الكيماوى بقت مهرية
وسيادة النائب على قلبكم قاعد لسة للخطة الخمسية
فين القطن المصرى ياهو فين الفول فين الإنتاجية
فين يامعلم سيد اللحمه فين ياحميدو الثروه السمكية
فين الفاكهة فين الخضار مفيش إلا المسمومة ... دية
وسكينة قالت الزرع والقمح طردوها مالجريدة الرسمية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

ولو رايح مصلحة حكومية تقول يارب إسترها ويسرها ليا
بس من غير واسطة يا مصرى لازمك فلوس للإكرامية
قالو.. لا... لا .. دة فية إصلاح فى البلد وتنمية إدارية
ووزارة ورا وزارة رايحة ماتاخدش غير كدب وأذية
ومسئولين من غير ذمم ويعرفوش ريحة الإنسانية
وأنا وإنت صابرين على المفروض والحاله الردية
ويقولو إزاى دا إحنا هنظم دوره الكورة العالمية
وجت لجنة الفيفا مصر تزور وشافت الوكسة الحقيقية
كاس عالم مين يابا دة إحنا حيااللة ....حكشجية
شايفين المصيبة و الغم شايفين سواد السحابة السنوية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

ووزارة لا بالتعليم ولا بالتربية مهتمية
والفلوس تنصرف وتتوزع عالجهات السيادية
ولا بحث علمى تسمع عنة ولا جامعات فى القايمة العالمية
حضانة إبتدائى إعدادى ثانوى جامعية كلة دروس خصوصية
فين الملاعب والساحات فين النوادى الشبابية
فين الفصول فين المعامل فين المدرس ياإبر مصدية
أجيال ورا أجيال متعرفش غير شاكيرة والخيبة قوية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

وزمان قالو شدو الحزام عشان نبنى المصانع المصرية
ودلوقتى خسرانة كسبانة إتباعت بتلات أبيض وشوية
لا أخدو رأيك ولا رأيى ولا حتى أحمد إبن هنيــه
يردو..لا..فى البرلمان إتناقشت ووافقت الأغلبية
حرام عليكم دم الغلابة تبيعوه لا أعرف شكك ولا نقدية
لا..لآ إحنا عملنا توشكى والنبى إية؟...عينك فى عنيه
دة البترول رهنوه والغاز باعوه ومفضلش غيرالهوا والمية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

وشارون لوحده بيتصرف خلاص ياعبده ضاعت القضية
والسودان حروب ومجاعة ومؤامرات مكشوفة ومستخبية
ومين الحاكم ياإبنى فى لبنان بيريز ولا سوريا ولا اللبنانية
والدور عليكى ياسوريا ولا على مفاعلات إيران النووية
والعب من تحت لتحت شغال فى الصحراء المغربية
ومتخلفين بيعملو عمليات إنتحارية ويدبحو الناس عالفضائية
وهى دى مقاومه؟ متعرفش دول موساد ولا مخابرات أمريكية
وإحنا فين من كل ده يا فرعون الصمت والخنوع والمواريه

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

وإسم النبى حارسة وصاينة عندة المؤسسة المالية العالمية
راسمالها 600 مليون دولار والباقى فى البنوك السويسرية
النكتة قالت مالمصروف حوشهم مش مالقروض المصرفية
وله لجنه سياسات تقرر وتنفذ ده هو القيادة السياسية
مين قالك هيحكم بعد أبوه أومال مين متحكم فيك وفيَة
فساد مين قال؟! دة فية "كمال" تحت القبة البرلمانية
رجب عامل جاكوزى للمية وملايين مشفوطة مالصحف القومية
فلوس وهدايا وساعات ذهبية ورشوه فيلا فى السواحل الشمالية
ونافع ورث الأهرام هو وعياله وعنده قصور فى القرى السياحية
وإيه يعنى لما ياخد شوية والمال سايب بيخر مالحنفية
وطبل وزمر ومؤتمرات شعبية وتبقى البلد للحرامية
وياصبرى لو عاوز قرض ولا وظيفة إبقى قابلنى عالزراعية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

وليه يامصرى عايز ديموقراطية وإزاى تحلم ياواد بالحرية
ده لازم نعيش ياوله فى طوارئ وتفضل راسنا كده موطية
والشعب محتاج لقياده خبيرة ومبيفهمش المصلحة الوطنية
ولية ياناس الظلم ده ؟ وفية فالبلد بدل القانون ألف و مية
لية البهدلة والذل والعبودية والمظاليم فالإحتياطى مرمية
من غير تهمه ولا تحقيق و لا محكمة ولا حتى قضية
مشاكل بالهبل ومحاكم زحمة وقضايا الرول ألفين وتلتمية
وإكسب ياحبيبى القضيةبس قابلنى فى العليا ولا الإدارية
ياخبر إسود ومهبب المتهمين ماتو إتخنأو فى العربية
فين المسئول؟ مين يتحاكم ؟ هس ياواد دى تبع الداخلية
وده أتوبيس فى الريَاح وجرار بالعيال إنقلب عالزراعية
مفقود إلى مسافر عالصحراوى ومولود إلى وصل الناحية التانية
والناس إنحرقت فى القطر والحكومه قالت دى الجزرة مهريه
دى تلامه وقله إحساس لا دى جريمة وهروب مالمسئولية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

فين الثقافة فين الإبداع فين الفن والسنما المصرية
وتسأل مين محمد على؟ يقولك ده إلى بنى الحلمية
وعارف يابنى حقوقك؟ وإية فايده المجالس المحلية؟
طب عارف يابنى واجبك؟ وإزاى تفيد الحياه النيابية ؟
يقولك معلش ونبى ياخال سيبنى ألحق التمسلية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

والسياحة فين؟ وضايعة لية ودبى عندها ملايين تمانية
ومصر فيها الهرم والنيل والبحور والأثارات الفرعونية
أصل الحاله هى هى فى المطارات والموانى المصرية
والسايح يجى مصر لية وهو بيتبهدل فى كل سانية
والتاكس مخلع ومبهدل والإسطى لسانة فرقله
والشارع حاجة تقرف وتكسف فى المزارات السياحية
تركب يامسكين بجنية والنزول بالبقشيش والعمله الأجنبية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

والشعب غلبان مطحون يابنى 35 فى المية أُمية
وفى الراديو يقولك مبارك مين غيره فى الفتره الجاية
وكفاية كفاية يآآوح ويقول الدستور مش محتاج لعناية
وكفاية كفاية كفاية طيب يسرورغير76 ونعمل التمثلية
وترشيحات وأحزاب مغمورة نازلة فى الحملة الإنتخابية
ونور وجمعة وشلتوت ومش فاكر مين فى المسرحية
ولجنة إنتخابات متنأية وطبعا فوق المساءلة القانونية
ونسمح بالتزوير ولا لأه ورأيك إية فى الرقابة الدولية
ولية تخاف يا عمرو تقلق والإشراف للهيئات القضائية
وإية يعنى لما يبعـــــدو من القضاه ألف وخمسمية
لازم برضة تقول رأيك وتروح اللجنة الإنتخابية
ومبارك نمرة واحد وكشوف بأسماء ناس متوفية
ويوم سبعه وعدو سُمعة و الغلابه بكباب ولوتارية
ولو نص الناس راحو كنا قلنا صحيحه وشرعية
وتسأل السباك والسواق والبواب وبتاع الطعمية
والدكتور والمهندس فريد وجرجس وأحمد والمحامية
يقولك طهقنا خـــلاص وبندور عالهجرة الشرعية
الكل حاسس وعارف حال البلد يصعب عليك وعلىَ

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

صعبانة على بلدى خصوصا لما شوف التجربة الماليزية
مش ممكن يجينا يوم مهاتير مخلص لأجل الغلابة دية
ده قنديل كتب عن "التغير" إتبهدل وراح فى شربة ميه
والحاجه تقول أنا خايفه عليك ياإبنى وعلى حالتك الصحية
طيب نعمل إية والحاله تفوَر الدم وتجيب السكتة القلبية
إدعى معايا وقول يارب إرحم عبيدك من ولاد المفترية

تمانية وتمانين ونص فالمية

By my dear friend ZE

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Next Scenario!!!

The elections are gone and the usual "suspect" candidate won with a landslide victory...The people of Egypt are waiting from the New President to fullfill his promises and Egyptians do not have hopes that the promises will be fullfilled due to 24 years experience with Mubarak.
I can assure you that all these promises will be fullfilled and even surpassed and here is the plan:

After a year the administration armed with the national newspapers and the state owned TV will start the "See we told you" campaign, with emphasis on Mubarak opening "new" factories and interviews with common people saying that they can't believe that cash inflows and the propaganda continues untill the promises are fullfilled in the newspapers and TV. Remember the Toshka project, did you hear anything about it in Mubarak's Campaign???

The Doctors of Al Sultan will go on Al Jazeera and other Satelite channels to try to convince the intellectuals with unbelievable growth rates, that GDP skyrocketting and the high standard of living for Egyptians.

Sheikh Al Azhar and Pope Shenuda III will start a special prayer to thank god for his generosity for keeping Mubarak's in power and thank him for this prosperity that Egyptians are experiencing for the first time in history.

Sayed Rashed, the head of the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) will go on to say that he loves Mubarak more than his family and more even more than himself and he will go on saying that 7 Million workers do not know how to spend their salaries.

The vast majority of people agree that they do not feel all these changes and that there is something wrong with their brains!!!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Why we Hate Mubarak?

This question is always posted these days in response to the demonstrations of Kefaya (Enough) or the criticism of the Regime of Mubarak in the opposition or independent Newspapers. The National (Govermentaly or Official) newspapers portrait the Movement of Kefaya, opposition, or independent and opposition newspapers as outlaws that exceeded all the red tape!!!

They repeatdly pose another question: In the last 24 years of Mubarak's rule you do not see any thing positive? and the answer is in the question and it is the same answer to both questions?

The 10 reasons why Egyptians hate Mubarak 2005?

1.The idea of one man in power for that long is a catastrophie for Egypt and any other nation (ie. Libya) and there are't any respectable nation on earth that would allow that.

2. Mubarak has ruled Egypt for the Last 24 years without end under the Emergency law.

3. The Succession of Mubarak's Son Gamal as the next president Despite repeated, emphatic, and official assertions to the contrary, all indications point to Gamal being groomed to succeed his father.

4. The political prisoners in Jails held without a trial that varies in numbers between 10000 political prisoners and 20000 political prisoners.

5. The corruption that is widespread in Egypt and the corrupted Government officials that Mubarak is turning a blind eye on (Youssef Wally, Safwat El Sheriff to name a few) and even reports on the corruption of his son Gamal Mubarak and his company MedInvest Ltd that bought some of Egypt's foreign Loans.

6. The mappets that we have inMagliss El Sha'ab (the congress) and Magliss El Shoura'a (the Senate) and the soap opera of the last constitution article 76 where phone calls from the president changed the opinions of the congressmen 360 degrees.

7. The interferenc of the state security in all aspects of life from the appointment of teaching assistants in the Universities to the appointment of Ministers and Governors and the crackdown on peacefull demonstrations.

8.The missuse of Sheikh Al Azhar and the Pope of the Copts for his support in the soap opera of the election without bearing in mind the catastophic consequences.

9. The Economic situation is putting a lot of pressure on Egyptians with prices skyrocketting, salaries on halt (or minmal raises, el min7a ya rayess) and unemployment desease is spreding.

10. The repeated lies of Mubarak and his government lost any new look its credibility...

The above is just some of the reasons that why Egyptians hate Mubarak and why that the consequences of the above will lead to a revolution in Egypt that started allready on the internet and in small in numbers demonstartion around Egypt but big in value.

I will publish a detailes articles on each of the above points.

What can we the people of Egypt do:

1. Join the demonstrations also there is a big price that we can pay for doing that but freedom is not granted from dictatorships, it is earned...

2. Voice your opinions in blogs and in any form you can.

3. Make blacklists of the "Doctors of Al Sultan", all the Technocrats that are supporting Mubaraks and voicing half of the truth to the people like Dr. Abdel Monim Said, Dr. Moustafa Al Fikky, Dr. Wahid Abdel Meguid and others... At least we will prevent others from joining.

4. Boycott the National (Kawmiaya) newspapers like Al Ahram, Akhbar, Al Gomhoriya and Rosa and if you miss the bullshit that this written in them you can always check them on the internet.

Hopefully Egypt is on the verge of change and I hope that the change will be peacefull!!!

and a short answer to my question above why we hate Mubarak 2005? Why Not!!!

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